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Dark matter is an unseen form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible to traditional observation methods. It is believed to make up about 27% of the universe's mass-energy content. Dark matter is inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, such as galaxies and galaxy clusters, which would not form or hold together without its presence. Understanding dark matter is crucial for unraveling the universe's structure, formation, and evolution, as well as for developing a complete picture of cosmology.
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Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible. It is believed to make up about 27% of the universe's mass-energy content. Its importance lies in its gravitational effects, which explain the movement of galaxies and the structure of the cosmos that cannot be accounted for by visible matter alone. Understanding dark matter is crucial for unlocking the mysteries of the universe's formation, evolution, and overall composition.
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This is the best idea suggestion and I think it's good contributions in making the world better with fox forum
Dark matter is a mysterious, invisible substance that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it undetectable by conventional means. However, it is believed to make up about 27% of the universe's mass-energy content, based on its gravitational effects on visible matter, such as galaxies and galaxy clusters. Dark matter is crucial for understanding the universe because it helps explain the observed motion and structure of galaxies, as well as the formation of large-scale cosmic structures. Without dark matter, the gravitational forces in galaxies and galaxy clusters wouldn't be strong enough to hold them together, which has profound implications for our understanding of cosmology and the fundamental forces governing the universe.
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