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Ocean acidification, caused by increased CO2 absorption, weakens marine ecosystems by harming coral reefs, shellfish, and fish populations. This threatens biodiversity, disrupts fisheries, and affects livelihoods in coastal communities. Reducing carbon emissions, restoring marine habitats, and developing adaptive strategies for affected industries are crucial steps to address the issue.
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Ocean acidification, caused by increased carbon dioxide absorption, threatens marine life by reducing carbonate availability, essential for shell-building organisms like corals and shellfish. This weakens marine ecosystems, disrupting food chains and fisheries that coastal communities depend on for livelihood and food security. Coral reef degradation also increases coastal vulnerability to storms and erosion. To mitigate these effects, reducing carbon emissions, protecting marine habitats, and promoting sustainable fishing practices are essential.
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Ocean acidification, caused by increased carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption by the oceans, has significant effects on marine life and coastal communities. As the ocean becomes more acidic, it disrupts the ability of marine organisms like corals, shellfish, and plankton to form calcium carbonate shells and skeletons, threatening their survival. This impacts the entire marine food web, as these species serve as crucial food sources for larger animals. Coastal communities reliant on fishing and tourism may face economic challenges due to declining fish populations and damaged coral reefs, which also provide natural protection against storms. Additionally, the disruption of marine ecosystems can lead to reduced biodiversity and the loss of vital ecosystem services.
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